Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Fashion styling / Monday inspiration

 I have always been one to take along shopping if you need a straight forward answer if something looks good on you or not, in a polite way of course or to help put an outfit together. Sometimes a product looks amazing on the hanger but doesn't work for your body shape, but this can always happen in reverse...an item may not look all that much on the rail but may suit your body shape perfectly. I have always been into hair, makeup and clothes...but I have always loved the editorial and extreme ends that could make you look a little crazy going to work in, but that doesn't mean you can't play around with these looks. 

I have become a little obsessed with Pinterest recently as its a major role of collecting images for my uni course. I have been really inspired by stylists such as Kate Young, Rachel Zoe, Grace Coddington and Monica Rose...I have really been inspired to focus on this route as a career along with my love for running events! I love the fact there are no limits, you can go as extreme as you feel required to get the look you need. Over the summer, I am excited to build up my portfolio for styling and have some fun with shoots that are creative and push the boundary to the unexpected.


1 comment

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